Friday, July 2, 2010

My Trip to Ketchikan

Each night after work, I've been meaning to write on this blog, but my eyes begin to dilate and the last thing I want to do is stare at a computer screen after staring at on at work all day.  I just realized that it's been a month since I've posted anything.  I said that a job wouldn't get in the way of things, but how often it does. 

So, this past week, I went to Ketchikan for work.  The work required a site visit and photo-documentation of a structure near Whitman Lake.  The building itself wasn't anything to write home (or blog) about, but the town of Ketchikan was awesome.  I had always wanted to go to southeastern Alaska and I finally had my opportunity.  It (of course) rained while I was there, but that's what makes everything so wonderfully green and ridiculously damp.  The Tongass National Forest was amazing.  The red light district was amusing.  The cruise ship were enormous.  All in all a great trip.  Here are a couple of highlights:

Here is the old red light district.  The seafoam building was the brothel of Dolly.  It was a hoot.

A totem pole outside of the Totem Heritage Center.

The Steadman-Thomas National Register Historic District.

The Ketchikan Federal Building. (I'm a sucker for government moderne)

Cruise and clouds looming over the city.

A little cottage with a lot of moss.

I'm extremely happy that my new job is giving me the opportunity to explore and research many places in Alaska.  What's next?  Not a clue...