Tuesday, May 4, 2010

For Starters...

Greeting from Alaska! As a new resident, I've been trying to find my niche here. I'm a New Yorker who always considered herself an urbanite first and foremost. However, moving to a state that is famous for its natural beauty (and man, it is beautiful), I've been struggling to figure out where I fit in. My profession is in the field of Historic Preservation. This is a field that focuses on man-made beauties, buildings. The buildings of Alaska (and I'll focus on Anchorage for now, as it is where I live) appear to be built for the sake of expediency and utility. Shelter. The rugged land, scarce building supplies, frigid temperatures and frontier mentality have created a building type that is distinctly Alaskan. I hope to share my findings with you as I learn more about the historic structures of Alaska.

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